Healthy employees are more productive, more creative, and happier.

That’s why more and more companies are designing corporate wellness programs for their staff, and Dr. Donato is leading the way in developing tailored programs for Capital District companies, such as PepsiCo, Sealy Mattress, and C.R. Bard.

Customized corporate wellness solutions

The corporate wellness plans designed by Dr. Donato, which can include a variety of on-site chiropractic care services, aim to reduce employees’ number of sick days and out-of-office time for doctors’ visits, help the employee-patient maintain consistent care for optimal results, and offer preventive care to reduce the risk of long-term degenerative, postural, repetitive stress, and arthritic conditions.

Dr. Donato will work with your health and safety manager or your human resources and benefits department to determine what your specific needs are, and then will schedule designated days or blocks of time at your company’s location to provide personalized, hands-on treatments—as well as appropriate self-management solutions like ice/heat, stretches, and exercises—for your employees.

Read what patients are saying about Dr. Donato.

A benefit for both your company and your staff

Corporate wellness programs are a useful way to attract and retain top-notch employees, but offering chiropractic care, including Active Release Techniques (ART)®, is practical for your company’s bottom line as well.

Learn more about how Active Release Techniques (ART)® can treat acute injuries as well as repetitive use conditions.

Real Science, Real Results

ART is classified as first aid by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and has a proven efficacy rate of 70 percent on soft tissue injuries. This innovative technique thus offers employees a pre-worker’s compensation level of care without resulting in a recordable entry on your company’s OSHA Form 300 Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses log.

Dr. Donato has been a full-body certified ART provider since 2005 and an ART Elite Provider Network (EPN) member since 2006.

Contact Dr. Donato today to learn how a corporate wellness program can save your company time and money.

“Keith has been a tremendous asset to the Albany facility. His skill allowed countless associates to navigate the physical stress of routine and repetitive manual job functions; often preventing more serious, long-term issues from forming. His bedside manner is also superb, always showing a smile and making people feel as though they have a voice to express their discomfort. Keith has truly helped improve the lives of hard-working individuals without fail.” – Joe K.

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